The Michigan drivers license restoration process culminates in a hearing in front of a hearing officer, who will decide the outcome of your case. Before the Secretary of State will schedule a hearing, you are required to submit important information such as treatment records, AA sign-in sheets, letters documenting sobriety, a drug screen and an evaluation from a qualified substance abuse evaluator. As a Michigan driver license lawyer, I can tell you that the outcome of your case often hinges on the quality of your testimony at the drivers license restoration Michigan hearing. The hearing usually takes anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. You will be testifying under oath for approximately 20 to 40 minutes.

What type of questions are asked? You can expect questions about your background, conviction history, alcohol and drug use history, treatment history, Alcoholics Anonymous involvement, current life situation and accomplishments.

Driver's license reinstatement hearings are now virtual; click here to learn more -- Learn more