This is another blog dealing with interlock violations and Michigan drivers license restoration. As I mentioned in my previous blog posts, the Michigan Secretary of State closely monitors the use of the interlock device.

Before a car can be started, a sample must be provided on the interlock device. If a sample is at or above .025, the car will not start. This is a startup violation unless a sample below .025 is provided within 15 minutes.

Any Michigan license restoration lawyer will know that 3 start-up test failures after the first two months of interlock use is a minor violation which will extend the time you must drive your car with the interlock device by 3 months. It will also extend by three months the time when you are eligible to have a hearing for your full drivers license.

Furthermore, as a Michigan license reinstatement lawyer, I can tell you that three minor violations constitutes a major violation which will result in all driving privileges being revoked. In other words, start-up test failures can result in a loss of all driving privileges.

You are urged to consult with a Michigan drivers license restoration lawyer about defending your interlock violation case.  Please keep in mind that all violations must be appealed within 14 days to contest it.

Driver's license reinstatement hearings are now virtual; click here to learn more -- Learn more