If you’ve lost your driver’s license due to multiple DUI convictions, it can severely impact your life. That’s why you need the best Michigan license restoration lawyer on your side to fight for your reinstatement.

So it’s important to know what qualities to look for so you have the best possible chance of getting your license reinstated. Here are some of the key things to keep in mind as you begin your search.

Plenty of Experience

When you hire a lawyer for any purpose, you want to be fairly confident in their ability to win your case. So it’s a good idea to find someone with a pretty lengthy history of success. Find someone who has been practicing for years or decades, even. Those professionals have not only learned plenty of important lessons during their years of practice, but they also must have demonstrated some level of success in order to stay in business for so long.

Does One Thing

An attorney who splits time between license reinstatement cases, traffic violations, medical malpractice, and any other number of case types is likely to be spread pretty thin. Their attention and knowledge must go into all of those different types of law on different days. However, someone who only works on license reinstatement is likely to be well versed on absolutely every facet of the law.

High Win Rate

Of course, you should also care about how often any attorney you’re considering actually wins cases. You should be able to find this information on their website or by speaking with a member of the team. Then you can compare those rates and go with the option who you think will give you the best chance of success.

History of Working on Cases Just Like Yours

Even within the niche of license reinstatement, there are plenty of different types of cases. If an attorney has worked on a case that was very similar to yours and won, that means they already know what strategies to use in order to be successful. So it can be worth doing some research into their case history or even speaking with the lawyer directly to learn about their history with similar cases.

Knows the Local System

It’s also incredibly important to have someone who understands the specific laws and knows the system. Someone who regularly handles cases in front of the Secretary of State hearing officers is important because that is who you will be going in front of. They ultimately hear your case and decide whether to grant you a drivers license.

If you’re looking for a license restoration lawyer in Michigan, Mark Langscheid is an attorney who is familiar with the system and works on license reinstatement cases. He has more than 25 years of legal experience and a 95 percent win rate.

Driver's license reinstatement hearings are now virtual; click here to learn more -- Learn more