“How much do DUI lawyers cost in Michigan?” Anyone who is looking for license restoration services or is facing charges for a DUI is probably asking that question, and rightly so.

man sitting in front of a laptop and judge's gavel using a calculator

However, there is no blanket answer. Costs will vary widely depending on the variables in the case, the lawyer, the law firm, and more. One thing to keep in mind is that the most affordable option isn’t always the best. The most expensive option might not be ideal either, as that may include “extras” that you don’t always need.

The more important factors to look for while you search for an attorney include:

That being said, cost factors are still important, so you should do your research to find an attorney who can get positive results while still being affordable for you.


a judge's gavel resting on top of 5 100 dollar bills

In Michigan, the cost of a DUI lawyer (including other expenses) can be little as $1,000 to as much as $25,000 for more challenging cases. 

Factors that may make a difference in how much you would have to pay for a DUI lawyer include:

  • The lawyer’s experience, reputation and name recognition
  • Whether the lawyer works alone or you have to hire the law firm as a whole
  • The length of the case
  • Whether you’re facing a misdemeanor or felony
  • Any death or injury that occurred as a result of the incident
  • How many DUIs you have had in the past, as this may increase the challenges in the case
  • If you’re trying to obtain a commercial driver’s license (CDL)

Where the incident occurred may make a difference as well. In a big city, there will be more options, whereas in a small town, there won’t be as many.


In any case, whether you’re looking to get your license reinstated or have only recently been charged with a DUI and are facing criminal charges, you should consider retaining some kind of legal counsel. Trying to handle this alone can be detrimental. At the very least, do some research to find public resources to help you pay for representation.


What is the fine for a first DUI?

A first DUI in Michigan is punishable by 93 days in jail and up to $500 in fines. It is considered a misdemeanor unless someone was seriously injured or died as a result of a drunken driving crash.

What is the penalty for a second DUI in Michigan?

A second DUI conviction is punishable by up to one year in jail and up to $1,000 in fines. It also is a misdemeanor in most cases.

What is the penalty for a third DUI?

A third DUI conviction would be considered a felony, punishable by up to five years in prison. Fines can be as much as $5,000.

How long would I lose my license after a drunken driving conviction?

It depends on how many times you have been convicted.

  • After one DUI, your license would be suspended for six months.
  • After a second conviction, your license would be suspended for one year.
  • If you have two or more convictions within seven years or three within 10 years, your license would be revoked.
  • A high blood-alcohol level (0.17 or higher) would increase the penalties.

How much does it cost to get a suspended license reinstated?

The basic cost to get a suspended license reinstated in Michigan is $125, payable at the Michigan Secretary of State’s office. You may have to pay additional fines as well.

How much does it cost to get a revoked license back?

That’s more complicated. Technically, you can’t simply pay to get a revoked license reinstated; once it’s revoked, it’s taken away indefinitely. Instead, you would have to go through a series of steps to, in a sense, reapply for a right to drive. The costs in this case would be those you would pay your attorney, court costs, and state fines, such as the typical license reinstatement fee.

For additional information about license reinstatement processes, rules, costs, and more, see our past blog posts and other details throughout my website. You may also message me through the website or call me at 248-374-0722 to schedule a free consultation.

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