Matt’s driver’s license was revoked because of 2 prior drunk-driving convictions.
Matt was still on probation for his 2nd drunk-driving conviction. This presented a significant hurdle. Many petitioners seeking their driver’s license who are still on probation or who were recently on probation lose their request for a driver’s license. Why? Because sometimes hearing officers don’t give you credit for your length of sobriety while you are on probation. Hearing officers use the rationale that you are not exercising free will while on probation.
Thus, the challenge here was to build an extremely convincing case that Matt’s driver’s license should be restored so as to overcome any objection from the hearing officer concerning probation.
After a lengthy hearing, I was able to convince the hearing officer to restore Matt’s Michigan driver’s license even though he was still on probation.
At the hearing, Matt testified convincingly about his sobriety, AA commitment and his future plans.
I next showed the hearing officer the substance-abuse evaluation, negative-drug screen, treatment records, AA sign-in sheets and letters of support.
After I questioned Matt and introduced the favorable evidence, I argued that Matt’s driver’s license should be restored. The hearing officer agreed and restored Matt’s driving privileges. My client’s driving privileges were restored despite the fact that he was still on probation.
You can read what my client said about my efforts below in the following letter from Matt.