Case #2


Jeff had a revoked driver’s license due to 2 prior alcohol convictions. He had unsuccessfully tried to get his license back by representing himself at a previous driver’s license appeal hearing. Now he was looking for professional help to get him back on the road.


I won the case for Jeff and he was granted driving privileges.

At the hearing, I questioned Jeff. He testified about his sobriety and life changes that he had made such as completing his education and getting a new job. Additionally, I showed the hearing officer the substance abuse evaluation, 10-panel drug screen, employment records, AA attendance sheets, treatment records, letters of sobriety and an educational degree as proof of Jeff’s sobriety and continued likely sobriety. I then made the closing argument that my client should be allowed to drive again.

Bottom line

I was able to secure Jeff’s driving privileges.

Driver's license reinstatement hearings are now virtual; click here to learn more -- Learn more