Case #3


Bill had a revoked license due to 3 prior drunk-driving convictions.


I convinced the hearing officer to restore Bill’s driving privileges.

At the hearing, I submitted the following evidence to the hearing officer: letters of sobriety, a favorable substance-abuse evaluation of an alcohol problem in remission and a good prognosis for continued sobriety, a negative drug screen, employment records demonstrating continuing employment with excellent reviews, AA sign-in sheets documenting continued attendance at AA for more than 1 year, and alcohol treatment records documenting successful completion of an alcohol treatment program.

At the hearing, when I questioned Bill, he responded convincingly. I also called a witness who testified favorably on Bill’s behalf. Upon completion of the testimony, I argued that Bill should be allowed to drive.

Bottom line

Once again, the hearing officer agreed and granted my request for restoring Bill’s driving privileges.

Driver's license reinstatement hearings are now virtual; click here to learn more -- Learn more