Interlock Violations

Michigan Interlock Violations

Have you been accused of a Michigan interlock violation? Michigan interlock violations are serious matters because they usually result in the Secretary of State revoking your driver’s license. This can come as quite a shock, especially when you feel you did nothing wrong. As a result, you are put in a position of proving that the interlock violation is baseless and not true. A strict 14-day deadline is involved. The Secretary of State must receive your request for hearing within 14 days or you lose your right to contest the violation. Please give me a call as soon as possible to discuss your case.

How I Can Help You Defend Your Interlock Violation

I will need to know three things: (1) what kind of violation it is such as a tamper circumvent, rolling retest or alcohol reading, (2) what were you doing at the time of the violation and finally, (3) what do the interlock records show. This information will help me defend your violation at the hearing in front of the hearing officer. For example, I can use evidence such as repair receipts to deal with temper circumvent violations or negative PBT tests to defeat alcohol readings. Witnesses can also be called to testify.

Consequences of Interlock Violations

There are major and minor violations. Major violations such as rolling retest will result in a revoked license. Minor violations, such as a start up violation, will result in three months time added before you can apply for your full license. Three minor violations in a reporting period constitute a major violation, which will cause a revocation.

Contact Me for a Free Consultation

Please feel free to contact me to discuss your case. We can discuss what defenses may be available to you and how best to proceed.

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