How to Get Your Drivers License Back in Michigan

In Michigan, your driver’s license can be revoked or suspended for a number of reasons. In some cases, your suspended license may be reinstated after a set period of time, provided you don’t commit any additional offenses in that time period. In other situations, your...

How to Get Your Revoked License Back in Michigan

If your Michigan driver’s license has been revoked, it’s up to you to fight to get it reinstated. There are different legal and administrative requirements in place that vary depending on the severity and timing of your offenses. So it’s usually beneficial to speak...

The Michigan Driver’s License Appeal Process

Michigan revokes driver’s licenses for those convicted of two or more drinking and driving convictions. A person with a revoked license must wait out the revocation time imposed upon them before they are eligible to file for an appeal hearing in front of the Secretary...

Driver's license reinstatement hearings are now virtual; click here to learn more -- Learn more