Will Michigan Decriminalize or Legalize Marijuana?

Several cities in Michigan have now either decriminalized or legalized marijuana. With decriminalization, if an individual is caught with marijuana, the person is given a ticket and must pay a fine. The individual is not subject to any criminal sanctions such as jail...

Driver Warning: It’s Deer Mating Season and Hunting Season

According to State Farm Insurance, there were over one million deer-auto collisions in 2013. In many states, more than half of the deer–vehicle accidents happen from October to December. November is typically the worst month because of the combination of deer hunting...

Tracking Devices for Teen Drivers

Some insurance companies and the Insurance Institute For Highway Safety claim that electronic devices that monitor teen driving can reduce unsafe driving. Certain devices monitor teen driving through video recordings of bad driving while other devices send messages to...

Infographic – The Cost of Drunk Driving

Most people are aware of the dangers associated with drinking and driving, and most drivers never get behind the wheel after having too much to drink. Consuming alcohol before operating a vehicle – no matter the amount – increases your chance of being involved in a...

Rearview Cameras

The United States Transportation Department has recently added rearview cameras to its list of recommended safety features for automobiles. According to the Transportation Department, 292 people are killed and 18,000 injured per year when drivers are backing up and...

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