How I Restore Licenses

The Focus

We will work closely throughout your case. We want strong and compelling evidence. To that end, I will review the evidence in your case and ask the following:

  1. Is the evidence favorable?
  2. Is the evidence consistent?
  3. Does the evidence address the concerns the Hearing Officer is likely to have?
  4. Are there any weaknesses and what is the best way to overcome them?

Paying attention to the details is extremely important. Why? Your case must be “clear and convincing” to win. I believe my comprehensive approach has been the key to my driver’s license success. It has worked time and time again.

The Steps – A Comprehensive Approach

Taking a step-by-step approach is the key to building a strong, compelling case for license reinstatement. The typical steps are:

  1. Initial interview: I need to get the big picture from you about your past substance use, length of sobriety, treatment, AA attendance if any, life changes since becoming sober and many other things. This will also be an opportunity for you to ask me questions.
  2. Action plan: We will make a list of everything that must be obtained and completed before filing your case.
  3. Letters: Michigan requires that 3 to 6 letters be submitted from people who see you regularly and can attest to your sobriety. I recommend that 5 to 6 letters be obtained. The letters are extremely important. I will provide you with an outline so your friends and family will know what to address in their letters. We need solid, strong, compelling letters.
  4. Drug screen: I will review your drug screen to make sure it is negative, and also, to make sure the lab did the correct tests.
  5. Substance use evaluation: You will need to get an evaluation from a state-licensed substance-abuse counselor. The evaluator’s opinion is extremely important. I will review the evaluation and let you know what impact it may have on your case. A favorable evaluation is critical to your case.
  6. File your case: When all of the documents are completed, I will file your case with the Secretary of State.
  7. Preparing you for the hearing: All Michigan residents and some former Michigan residents will need to attend a hearing. I will help you prepare for this. I’ve handled hundreds of hearings.
  8. Representing you at the hearing: I will represent you at the hearing. You will testify at the hearing. We can also call witnesses to testify on your behalf. At the end of the hearing, I will give a closing argument and summarize all of the evidence in favor of issuing you a license. I will urge the hearing officer to grant you a license.
  9. The bottom line: There are no shortcuts for doing it right. My approach has proven itself time and time again.

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How I Restore Licenses

How I do it, what I look for, and my step-by-step approach.

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You can read about some of my past license wins.  You may find a case similar to yours.

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The Guarantee

Your license restored or the next hearing is free.

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